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Showing posts from October, 2019

Technology of Self - Diamond in your Pocket

If you happen to go to a class where they teach Creative Writing, one of the exercises they will ask you to do is to hold a fruit, say an Apple in your hand , observe it for a few minutes and then ask you to write about what you have noticed and experienced with your senses of sight and smell. You will hold it in both hands and take it to your nose. Its shiny light skin with myriad shades of red, orange and yellow gives off a mild smell which makes you wonder what it would be if you were to walk amidst an orchard of apples trees laden with ripening fruits. You can’t but wonder at the infinite intelligence behind the design and the solution so befitting the purpose. What if I now ask you to shift attention from the  feeling and the emotion that holding of the apple has caused and shift the attention inwards to investigate ‘who’ is experiencing ?  If the apple and the thoughts and feelings it created are the object of experience who is the subject ?  What do you ...