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Showing posts from April, 2020

The Story of Money

Money has functions four: a medium, a measure, a standard, a store This famous couplet sums up what money or currency is. Money is the measure of value, medium of exchange, the standard of value and a store of value. From the time of the Vedas till the present day, whatever humanity chose to use as money, whether they are Cows or Bitcoins, they did so because the commodity so chosen could perform the above four functions, some to a larger and some to a smaller measure.   It is interesting to notice what was used as Money down the ages: Cattle The oldest form of currency was cattle. The Upanishads mention Cows with their horns adorned with gold coins being given to Brahmins at the end of the sacrifice. It is continued to this day, as a payment for conducting the funeral rites, though the priest seeks a cash equivalent of the cow, preferably as a UPI transfer! Dowries were paid in India, till recently, in cows and other livestock.  Ancient Roman records sh...

Technology of Self - Sivavakiyar

ஓடி ஓடி ஓடி ஓடி உட்கலந்த சோதியை நாடி நாடி நாடி நாடி நாட்களும் கழிந்து போய் வாடி வாடி வாடி வாடி மாண்டுபோன மாந்தர்கள் கோடி கோடி கோடி கோடி எண்ணிறந்த கோடியே  Millions Millions and Millions  Run Run and Run Seek Seek and Seek Without Grieve, Grieve Grieve and Perish While it is already there— An abiding flame Within Me : Swamy,  What is there inside us as an abiding flame ? Why do you say millions have perished looking for it ? Sivavakiyar :  I will quote verses from Upanishad and you will understand. Me                 :  I have read Upanishads and they go over my head, I want to know directly and first hand from you. Sivavakiyar :  Let me do a thought experiment with you. When you say “I am aware of this or I am aware of that , what are you                                ...